Control Plane Operations

Control plane operations let you create and manage DynamoDB tables. They also let you work with indexes, streams, and other objects that are dependent on tables.


SDK & Tools

List tables

aws dynamodb list-tables  

Create a table


  • Table Name is unique within a region
  • Table with same name across multiple regions is allowed
  • There is a Limit on maximum number of tables per account
  • Allows creation of Secondary Indexes
  • Allows setting up of capacity/billing mode

The sample code here will create a table with the name test.

aws dynamodb create-table \
    --table-name  test \
    --attribute-definitions \
       AttributeName=PK,AttributeType=S AttributeName=SK,AttributeType=S  \
    --key-schema \
       AttributeName=PK,KeyType=HASH \
       AttributeName=SK,KeyType=RANGE \
    --provisioned-throughput \

Describe tables


aws dynamodb describe-table  --table-name  Employee --endpoint-url   http://localhost:8000

Delete table


aws dynamodb delete-table  --table-name  test --endpoint-url   http://localhost:8000