Setup Local Dev Environment

1. Create an AWS account

Create an AWS account using the instructions.

Most walkthroughs & exercises in this course can be tried against the Local DynamoDB, as a result having an AWS account for this courese is optional. But it is recommended as eventually you will be working on real services on AWS :)

2. Install AWS CLI

Install the AWS CLI using the the instructions available at this link.

3. Install NoSQL Workbench

Local DynamoDB/Emulator is installed with the Workbench. Make sure to check the Local server install option.

Use the instructions to setup NoSQL Workbench.

4. Install SDK

Checkout the AWS SDK language support here


In this course I am providing code samples for Python. If you would like to try out the code on your machine then install:

5. Visual Studio Code

For the ease of development and testing you will need an IDE (Integrated Development Environment). You can use any IDE; in this course I am using Visual Studio Code community edition.

Installation instructions

6. Install Git Client

Git client on your machine.

Installation instructions

7. Course Git Repository

Clone the repository for the course. This repository has sample code, commands and other resources that you will be using throughout this course. The link is in the lesson (Section: Tools, Lesson: Setup repository)

In the command window/shell paste the command to clone the repository.

git clone <<<Git Repo Link in resource section of video>>>

8. Install Git Bash on Windows (Optional)

The samples available in this guide are targeted towards bash terminal. In order to use the commands as-is on windows, you may use Git Bash which is a Linux shell emulator.

If you have installed Git on Windows then chances are that you already have Git Bash available on your machine.